Jamie A – An Overlook of Initial Model Creation – Prototype Containers

The first post will focus upon the containers as though they are simply objects for which hold more objects their design and shape can be rather different from one another, but for this initial look the boxes will be of a more simple design.



With the first container I decided to experiment a little with a container based upon one my dog has for hes collection of toys, a very simple design which is smaller at the bottom then at the top creating a rather wide planet pot sort of container, but this has the benefit of allowing for a strong sturdy base like a normal container but with the added bonus of allowing for a better grip upon the sides so helping a child to get use to gripping onto heavy objects.


The next two on the other hand are very basic in comparison the standard sqaure box with one being deeper than the other one, these kind of boxes you will see more upon shelves and as such would not be pulled out all of the way and so the handle hole will be more than sufficent for such a case.

But during the creation of these prototypes I started to think of what sort of material they would be created from, the last two would most likely be either a plastic or wood most likely a plastic as it would provide less of an impact if it where to fall onto a person thus reducing chance of injury. but the first one would be made of plastic or even a fabric of somekind, due to the design of it a fabric container could easily support a large amount of volume and being of such a material would be the least damaging in the event it does drop on someone, it would also be easy to store as you could remove all the bindings and straps holding it togeather and then just flatten it.

For future designs ill be looking at more different shapes of containers like cylinder shaped or even a triangle.

Jamie A – An Overlook of Initial Model Creaiton – Initial Explanation

Over the past few weeks I have been going over research and ideas as to what I will be modelling, as a blueprint had not been created for the enviroment at the time my aim was firstly to focus upon assets and objects that would be common place regardless of how it would look, thus my first focus was upon tables, chairs, storage spaces and containers, as now a base plan has been created asset creating will start to shift towards creating the specific parts for the map though their will still be several iterations of the room before the end.

This then also leads onto their designs and calls upon my own experiences within a childs playarea when I went to one during high school, one of the major focuses was for the safety of the child so most surfaces that they could reach were either padded in some fashion, though most of the time this involved covering the edges of tables in a manner that helped to remove the sharp edge, another is to make chairs as stable as possible preventing the child from kicking it backwards if possible and making them fall over these are just some of the things that must be remembered as the creation progresses.

Over the next several posts from me I will be splitting up what has been done currently and talking abit more about each part.