James L – Backup Music

At this stage we are ready to implement music into the Game Environment. It is exclusively Ryan’s job to develop music for the game or at least track down music for the game for us to utilise. He however at this stage has not managed to do this and we need this project completed by tomorrow afternoon.

I decided that I would track down songs for us to utilise so that if Ryan has not created or found any music appropriate for the game, we have these tracks that can be used in place of his. We need music for the Main menu of the game and also three variations of the in game tracks that can be placed throughout the game environment.

If the transition of music however is not possible we will simply use the main in game track as the standard song for the game.

Required Tracks…

  • Main Menu
  • Standard In Game Track
  • Western In Game Track
  • Climbing FrameĀ In Game Track

Below is some of the royalty free tracks that can be used for the above purposes…

Main Menu…

Standard In Game Track…

Western In Game Track…

Climbing Frame In Game Track…

All of the above songs were chosen due to how their rights states that all of the above songs are labelled for reuse and as such does not require clearly referencing of the song owner inside of the product; this in turn makes it so that we do not have to add any additional GUI Information to the game.

  • James L

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