James L – Online Store Front

Now that I finished developing a large sum of the assets I begun to create research for an online Store Front that will be sued in order to display the assets to consumers so that they can purchase said product…


From looking at these store pages I noticed that on all pages the product has multiple factors present…

  1. Large Product Thumbnail
  2. Clear Product Name
  3. Short Product Description
  4. Price
  5. (Sometimes Ratings of Said Product)

I felt that the Amazon style of advertising products to consumers is the most clear version of this format and I have as such decided to use this style of storefront in order to display my products…


Using this style as a reference I begun to develop a test image for the online store; I done this so that I would be able to visibly see how this image would look when it is being displayed on the Online Store Page…


This beginning image end up creating the following result once it is being displayed on the web page…


I felt that this was too small and as such scaled the images inwards so that the base text of the piece would be larger and more visible on the site page…


I was very happy with the second image and felt that it would be perfect for the online store page…

At this point I then developed a Test Version of the Store Images. I was very happy with this design scheme and I feel that it perfectly matches the overall style of the game environment…


  • James

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