Jamie A. Environment Wall Window and Window Pane Section Textures.

For this ill be putting three parts togeather as they all revolve around giving the room its walls, the basic wall section models where fairly simple to make as they were quite literally a flat plane with nothing special added onto them this is because the player will be not seeing the other side of the wall and having a rectangle their would just be a waste of polygon count so for that a plane is more than enough.


For the basic wall I wanted to give it a three tier sort of colouring as I felt this helped to break up using the exact same colour for three of the walls and by using more than just one colour this was achieved in a nice manner.

Using a mix of materials and hand painted I was able to create a wall section which looks a little aged with the wall paper start to form air pockets within the wall but still functional and as it is a child room being able to spend money upon toys and items that children will use is abit more important than some walls starting to show their age slightly, with the base of the model I then painted on the blue and white sections I wanted to do this by hand because I wanted it to feel like the people who work their did it themselves so the white line is not completely straight in some areas. in general it looks good I can see problems though later on when I started to create the room but they where minor at best so I decided to keep it.



The next part the window frame was made from a rectangle, though this was not needed as most of the walls have been deleted outside of the ones that will be seen and using a plane would have been just as good.

For the texture of the window I decided to go with metal personally I like the look of metal window frames as they look very secure and would be very hard to break them they also are alot easier to clean so if a child was to draw upon one it would require less time.

For the texture it was a simple mix of a metal material and then drawing by hand a black line around the middle of the frame this helps to give a position to where I will be placing the window pane and will also help to make it look like it is the rubbery part that goes around the edge of the pane sealing it into place.


Finally the widnow pane now for this I decided to using a flatten rectangle model as this helps to give it more depth, I also decided to split it into two sections one the top part which would be clear and for someone to look though and then the bottom part which would be opacted so as to make it hard to see though, this was two fold firstly it allows for natural light to enter the room but also it means I dont have to model an outside world as the player will not be able to look out their.

But the look of the foggy glass in the game engine is fairly strange and so far experiments with it have not been terribly successful but it does do as was asked which is prevent the player from looking out while also still giving them some light into the room so it is not a complete failure yet though a solution to the problem will be found.

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