Jamie A. Environment Door Model/Texture

With a good amount of the general envionrment created its time to move onto the outer parts of the area so the walls, floor, roof and such and to start this off will be a look at the door.

Now as the environment will be a singular room the need to have a functional door is not required but the need for one to be within the environment is rather important as not only does it provide more to the area it also gives reason as to how to enter the room which might not seem like much of a problem but it can cause people to think about such things in the back of their mind.


The creation of the door followed the similar paths to the previous objects starting with a rectangle and then using a mix of extruding tools and shrinking faces to create the effect shown above with the outer area which is coloured in red being the frame of the door the blue part being the actual door and finally the creation of a door handle which in this case is a cylinder that has had the back part of the object extruded and made smaller so as to give it a basic handle look and then finally it was simply placed against the door.


With this object I wanted to try and experiement more with wooden materials as I felt it made more sense with the door as alot of doors tend to be made of wood or of a similar looking material though their can be metal and plastic ones as well but with the amount of plastic and metal that is present within the room already I decided against that.

Using two different materials for the door I decided to go with a more wooden look for the frame and a painted wooden look for the door itself this helps to give the door a better looking design and to help it stand out a little more within the room, finally I went with a copper like handle now this seems a little old for such a door but I liked how it looked upon it and so decided to keep it.

With the texture done I imported it into the room to see how it would look and it looks pretty nice the white colour of the door required some tweaking though as the room lights where causing it to be to bright but with some tweaking of the settings within the game engine it was brought back down.

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