Jamie A. Environment Update.

Explanation for no updates.

Over the past few months production of the environment assets has been slow going due to other personal problems as such this took abit of a back seat which in hindsight was a terrible decision but their was little choice in the matter.

With the problems having been resolved the production of the assets has increased once again and so far a large amount of the assets have been completed and modelled with only a few minor ones left to create, this period of focused work has allowed me to get into a good position with both modelling the assets and texturing the latter being the greater of the positons as the use of a program by the name of substance painter was used which up until focusing upon the work again had not been used all that much before as such it was a good learning experience having the ability to use program to texture several different assets.


Current Progress.

Currently several models have been created these are.

A Playhouse.

Toy Car Race track.

Toy Chest.


Lego Pieces.

Jigsaw floor pieces.

Sqaure Table.

Round Table.

Each has been textured and is in a state where it can be added into the game when the group gets togeather again, these will also be talked about more in following posts.

Current items

Six of the assets (Non textured) along with a rectangle to show player size.

The remaining assets that have to be created are an additional floor part, the walls and window, a door and finally a ceiling a light source might also be created but with the window being present the ability to light the map up can be resolved with that.

If progress stays as it is then most if not all of the assets will be ready before next week and as such can allow for more tweaking and adjustments if need be.

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