Jamie A. Environment – Toy Chest Model and Texture.

The next item rather a fun one to make it was easy to create but with how it was created that was fun part using a rectangle I extruded the sides of it to bring it out slightly and then extruded the newly created edges out so that they where bigger than the orginal rectangle this both provided a means of giving the chest a pair of legs for it to sit on while also helping to make it look unique.


After that the top of the rectangle was extruded again to create the hole for the chest so that items can to stored in it if it is desired, finally three cylinders were placed along the back of the chest to act as hindges for the lid which is a very thin rectangle and and base was done.


With the base done the colours where added The sides where a different colour to the middle part as I wanted to make the middle area more plastic like and the sides have a wooden texture to them.


The lid and middle section are both made of the same material so a plastic like material while the dges are made of a wooden material as I said before, this makes it look nice and it rather fits it nicely, the last thing I did was to texture the hindges with a metal and reducing the shinyness of them to make them more dull I then manually drew several lines along each of the hindges to help give it the look of an actual hindge so each part looks like it is seperate and it looks nice for how simple a method it is.

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