Jamie A. Environment – Playhouse Texture.

With the base model and colouring done the texture was the next to be made, now as substance painter is still fairly new to me the texture does not terribly good or well personally it does not but the group will have final say on that.


The idea was to use a mix of similar colours with the bigger parts the roof and floor being of the same colour while the supports, rails and stairs being of a different colour this helps to break up the colours and also to experiment more with the materials as under the paints are layers of texture that help to augment the surface of the model, example of that is if you look at the stairs you can notice little splatter marks upon them this is a material that helps to give the model a more used look and feel, which as this is a playhouse its going to be used alot by the children.

The tunnel under the model was painted a different colour from the rest as I wanted it to stand out more it also fitted the material used which was an attempt to make it look more like plastic.

After completeing the texturing and stepping back to look at it, I noticed how empty it looked within the middle area which rather makes sense as with it being a childs play area one would expect a large amount of clutter to be placed around from toys, colouring items and general children items, but all in all I am somewhat happy with how it looks as was mentioned before but if the need to tweak it does happen then it is a fairly simple process so it will not harm the production time.

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