Jamie A. Environment – Playhouse Model.

The first asset to be shown will be the playhouse now this is a fairly large object as it will be pushed into a corner of the room and act as both a view blocker for people to hide behind or within while also helping to give the player the idea of just how small they are in comparison to everything else.


The idea for the playhouse comes from both research but also looking at the movie and game Toy Story 3, in toy story their is a large playhouse within the daycare room which both had a inner area upon a ramp but also a tunnel though the base of the playhouse this was an interesting idea and as such was incorporated into this asset, this both allows for a means of moving around the map but also to hide within and escape from the player who is chasing the person.

The asset is made up of five parts, the main body, the roof, the supports, the safety rails and finally the stairs, this allowed for the ability to move and tweak certain parts of the model until it was in a postion that was desired, it also allowed for the creation of corners as instead of having to make sure every part is align correctly it only required having to make the model push into the supports as can be seen in the image above.


With base model completed it was time to move onto colouring it now this wont bethe final texture but rather help in its creation as the program Substance painter has a lovely little feature that allows the program to notice the difference in colours of the asset and assign them their own layer within substance painter, this helps to split up the model so that a certain part can be focused upon and it helps to ensure that a material used on one part of the model does not appear on the rest of it this allows for multiple different material types to be used which makes sense as a playhouse is not going to be made of just one material.

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