Jamie A. Environment – Cupboard Model and Texture.

The cupboard was made in a rather quick and simple manner, as this is an object that will be used to store other ones as such its requirements are rather minimal.Cupboard

Starting off with a rectangle and placing an edge along the middle of it gave the model its inital split point and then all it required is the extruding of the faces created and the pulled into the model thus providing the shelves, and with a few more tweaks to enlarge the shelves the core part of the cupboard is done, next was the inclusion of some legs which are cylinders in the mode plain of terms and again have minimal work done to them outside of deleting unneeded faces that will not be seen.


With the base model done next was to add some colour to seperate the legs and cupboard parts as the idea for them is to create the cupboard from a plastic like material and for the legs to be metal.


The material used for the cupboard is actually the same as the playhouse which is a lovely ability with texturing in a program that is designed for such things allowing for the texturing of assets in a quick manner, the same can be said for the legs which used a material included with the program and then modified to make it less reflective.

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