Ryan W – Sound Design – Introduction

As the sound designer for the team, it is my duty to provide a library of sound effects and background music, and to work with our programmer to incorporate them into the game.

Our current aim for the final audio implementation is as follows:

  • One core backing track
  • Four themed backing tracks of different styles (sci-fi, western, rock, and pop), matching the four themed areas in the game (astronauts, cowboys, race cars, and doll house)  using the same motifs as the core track (optional)
  • A system to transition between tracks based on location, maintaining the same position in the melody (optional)
  • A library of sound effects for character and environmental actions
  • Main menu track and effects
  • Victory and defeat jingles
  • Ambient sounds of children playing outside that changes as time goes on (optional)

Below is my time chart for the project. Note that while there are only three allocated periods for producing music tracks, this also encompasses time for producing optional tracks.

(click for better view)

– Ryan W.

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