Jamie A – An Overlook of Initial Model Creation – Prototype Room/Walls

The final prototype for now is the creation of the room, and the combination of the different assets create thus far, the room design might at a later date become bigger or smaller depending upon what the team says.


An image from the side where the windows will be, this will allow for natural light to be let into the room, allowing for a mix of shadows and to help make the room seem larger than it is, these might be tinted slightly at the mid point downwards so that the player cannot look directly outside while still allowing for the light.


This more shows where the door will be, at the end away from the play area helping to make sure a child cannot wonder off without the teacher knowning, in terms of design this is more to provide background for the player so they dont wonder why their is no door, this also shows off a large amount of space along the back of the room which could be used for a wide range of different assets.


From here it shows off the play area more, which is hidden behind two partition walls, this allows for drawings and likes to be stuck upon it and in a normal sense to help keep the childrens attention on the teacher instead of the toys. This also shows a large sqaure right at the back, this at a later date will be a large raised area that could have slides going down it along with an assortment of different toys.


This view is from the other wall side with said walls being turned into their wire mesh mode, this allows a look at several of the storage shelfs, with containers placed upon them, this allows for spaces to be plugged up that we dont want used and as means of places for players to hide behind or in it also helps to fill up the space and provide a means of additional decoration as explained in a previous post.


And finally an overview of the room, as this is a prototype the rooms contents and the room itself can and will changed overtime till we are all happy with the end result, the next focus will be upon expanding the idea of four different area themes within the play area and so creating additonal assets which revolve around that.

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